
Additional aria added to legend to work around JAWS bug.

Original <h1> removed - relying only on aria role on legend.

<legend role="heading" aria-level="1"><span>...</span></legend>

Pressing H in this example should list headings in JAWS.


What is your address?
Operating System Browser Assistive tech Notes Pass/fail
Windows 10 Chrome 94 JAWS 2021 Works as desired. Heading announced nicely in the flow, as well as when navigating headings.
Windows 10 Chrome 94 NVDA 2021.1 Works as desired. Heading announced nicely in the flow, as well as when navigating headings.
Windows 10 Firefox NVDA 2021.1 Works as desired. Heading announced nicely in the flow, as well as when navigating headings.
Windows 10 IE11 NVDA 2021.1 Works as desired. Heading announced nicely in the flow, as well as when navigating headings.
Windows 10 Edge NVDA 2021.1 Works as desired. Heading announced nicely in the flow, as well as when navigating headings.
Android 10 Chrome 94 TalkBack

Works as desired. Heading announced nicely in the flow, as well as when navigating headings.

iOS 14.7.1 Safari Voiceover

Example markup lifted from